Sauber Environmental Solutions is a Design and Engineering consulting company for 24×7 water supply system in India. Drinking water supply in India continues to be inadequate, despite long standing efforts by the various levels of government and communities at improving coverage.
Throughout the world, municipal authorities have found that continuous water supply is the most efficient and cost-effective way of supplying water.
Continuous water supply is critical for the people’s health. When the pipes remain full, the water remains clean. Under intermittent service, when pumping stops and the pressure in the pipes drops, groundwater from the surrounding areas can be sucked in, bringing with it wastewater from homes, and drains. If the pipes are continuously filled with, and supplying, water there is having less chance of such contamination. Continuous water supply thus helps keep water clean and safe for consumers.

- Survey and GIS based Base map using various techniques like Topographical Survey, Underground and over ground asset survey, Door-to door Household survey, use of satellite imagery, etc
- Hydraulic Network modelling using demand driven approach and GIS map
- Detailed process, basic and structural design & engineering of water supply system including mechanical and electrical and automation system.
- Distribution network improvement on District Metering Area (DMA) basis for keeping Non Revenue Water ( NRW) within acceptable limits
- Provision of individual metered connections to citizens
- Provision of uninterrupted continuous pressurised water supply
- Efficiency improvement in water supply including NRW management
- Preparation of Service Improvement Plan (SIP)
- Detailed methodology for continuous monitoring of the performance of the system in achieving and maintaining the Performance Standards
- Planning and implementation of Operating and Management Procedures & Policies